Saturday, July 14, 2012

Perspecitves on Diversity and Culture

For this assignment I chose to ask a co-worker who has been in the early childhood field for at least 20 years, my husband, and my son, Trevor who is 11 years-old.  Below are their responses:


"How a group, family behaves, what they believe, how they dress,eat, based on their ethnicity and the environment they live. Culture is driven by ethnicity but becomes absorbed and changes overtime as the people become a part of their environmental influences- A Arabic family may still eat typically ethnic food and speak their native language, but adapt to environmental influences regarding dress, social norms to become accepted while maintaining the values they deem important to their ethnicity."

"religion, ethics, morals, and beliefs"

"Everything around you.  Like your family, your house, your pets, your belongings.  The way families act, vehicles they ride, language and sign language."


"The differences within a group of people, culture, or ethnic group."

"Everybody has their own beliefs and are entitled to their own beliefs"

"Something that is different.  Diversity would be a good thing, but different.  Everybody is right, nobody is bad."

From the answers you could probably tell that the first response was the early childhood educator, the second my husband, and the third my son.  Between the three of them, they mostly hit deep culture elements.  My son may have been the closest with touching on surface culture, such as your house, pets, and belongings.   A few elements that were omitted by all three are gender roles, health care, and showing emotion. 

Their responses have made me realize that my family knows more about culture and diversity than I thought!!  And that it is not just surface culture that is being valued, but deep culture as well.  However, when I asked my son if they talk about culture in school, he said "no".  That for me was disheartening.  With our society becoming more and more diverse, culture and character education should be at the forefront of the Social Studies curriculum.  Time for a trip to see the principle!


  1. Amanda,

    Your son gave some great definitions of culture and diversity. I think that his school does address these topics but he may not realize it because the teacher does not say, "Okay now we are going to talk about culture." Instead she may have a discussion with the children about their families or home life and they talk about the similarities and differences. I have noticed that as a teacher many times I address topics without focusing on terminology. I was impressed with your son's understanding of culture and diversity so if he is not learning it at school, you and your husband have done a wonderful job teaching him.


  2. Hi Amanda, culture is very important to our society. Children in our schools should learn looking at culture below the surface since it is everywhere. I believe many of the routines in your son’s school have cultural meaning behind it. I wish you luck on talking to the principal, and I hope they can see the importance of teaching culture.

    Thanks for Sharing!
    Andrea Cureton

  3. Amanda,
    I like how you asked your children’s definitions of diversity and culture. I never thought to ask any children. I too was surprised about how much others knew about culture and diversity. I figured some of the people I asked wouldn’t know what the terms meant.

  4. I think it is great that you included your son. Our children can sometimes really amaze us when we don't think they will. I would have liked to ask my children, but they were all away this past week :( If your son has not learned about culture and diversity in school, then your family seems to have taught him well! Thanks for sharing.

  5. Hi Amanda,
    It seems as if you son has some knowledge about culture and diversity. I am glad to know that people are quite knowledgeable of there meanings. Culture and diversity perspectives have given insights to how similiar we are than different.

  6. I too am excited by the wisdom you had to ask your child!
    I loved the first definition of culture - the notion that culture can be fluid and dynamic - situational and that the individual has some choice over this dynamic. Wonderful.

  7. Hi Amanda,

    I really enjoyed reading your post!!! I really love your son's perspective on diversity!! Many adults would not be able to answer these questions as intelligent as he has. Keep Up The Good Work!!!
