Saturday, June 2, 2012

Research Around the World

Early Childhood Development Virtual Universisty (ECDVU) Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)

This website lists the titles of students', at the School of Child & Youth Care University of Victoria, thesis or major project based on current research being done in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA).  Some of the current research being done by these students include:
  • Adaptation of an established measure to assess the quality of child services in a selected orphanage in Zambia:  The Inclusive Quality Assessment (IQA) Tool
  • Coordinating the Development and Implementation of the 2003-2013 National Action Plan (NAP) for children in Malawi
  • Integrating indigenous knowledge in ECD training and services
  • Involving father in early childhood care and development
  • Assessing the influence of different early childhood development models on pre-school children's school readiness in Kenya
To my surprise, research internationally is similar to the research that is currently being conducted in our country.  Not only is the research being done, but their beliefs and understanding of what is important in the development of young children and their families are similiar to what the early childhood field is currently focusing on here in the United States. 

On a side note, while reading some of the research papers, I have noticed many of the procedures that we have been discussing in this course about how a research paper is written and what are the important parts to read and what parts to skip.  I am finding sorting through the long lengths of documents easier each time I read them. 


  1. Amazing! Quality Assessment (in Los Angeles County, California we have Steps To Excellence Project and Los Angeles Universal Preschool). National Action Plan (we have NCLB and Race to the Top). Integrating Indigenous Knowledge (we have anti-bias, English Language Learning and Dual Language Learning). Father Involvement (CAEYC, NAEYC and Head Start all have father initiatives).
    Such parallels!
    I think that perhaps we are a bit behind in assessing the influence of different early childhood development models on school readiness. Could it be that our free-market values system and individuality has prevented us from such comparisons?

  2. Hi Amanda,
    I enjoyed reading your blog. I agree the international research isn't quite different than our research. I have enjoyed this class. Research is an eye opener to me in the early childhood field.

  3. Hello Amanda,

    I wounder what types of early childhood development models on pre-school children's school readiness are being used in Kenya? Your well written post has sparked my interst. Thanks and great post.

  4. Amanda,
    Very informative blog. I enjoyed reading the various types of research these students are conducting. I also like the fact that their beliefs and understanding of what is important in the development of young children and their families are similiar to what our early childhood field is currently focusing on.
