Thinking about the supports that I have daily, I would consider myself fortunate and thankful. Basic supports such as good health and money, provide for my family and myself continuously. Taking a look deeper and acknowledging other supports not so evident to others, include my husband and children, my mother and father, friends, and co-workers. My mother and father have been extremely supportive in helping with our children since I began going back to school. It is as if their support is unspoken. They know seem to know when I need time for myself and volunteer to take the children for some time. My husband, extremely helpful but not as "unspoken" is always there to support our family and my educational needs whenever needed. Our children remind me of what it is to be innocent, playful, and free. They are the one's that help me to take a break from the hustle and bustle and relax and enjoy every day. Friends and co-workers are there, not as frequently as family, but whenever I need them. I could not imagine my life without any one of these supports. Together they provide a balance for me.
Because everyone has challenges that come at different times and in many styles, severities, forms, I believe that supports are essential during challenging times. Supports also come to us in different forms, whether it be monetary support, relationship support, health support, friendship support, etc. Just as children have indivdual needs at different times, adults also have these individual needs and supports at different times.