"Children need the freedom and time to play. Play is not a luxury. Play is a necessity." ~Kay Redfield Jamison
Looking back on my childhood, I believe people supported my play by allowing me to be a child, explore my environment, hours of unstructured time, the great outdoors, and cousins and neighborhood friends. Time was spent outdoors, with a ball, bike, and outdoor pets. Wow, thinking back, I didn't have much in the way of "toys". However, the little I did have allowed for creativity, freedom, learning how to care for pets and eventually others, problem-solving, games with rules, negotiation, and conflict-resolution. Many of these skills have carried through to adulthood. These were the times where x's were made in stones for bases, rocks were used to make marks on the road for start and finish lines, and safety was experienced through play. Considering my age, it was not that long ago that this type of play was able to occur.
Kickball Bicycle with basket and banana seat
Has this type of play nearly disappeared? From research and my observations, it is seeming so. Todays parents are concerned about safety, find it easier to keep track of children while indoors, do not have open areas, parks, or yards to let their children play in, or are tied up with work, school, etc. to take the time to travel to parks. The electronic age has taken over! It is my hope that we will look back to previous generations and understand and value all they had to offer. To this day, I make sure my own children have that unstructured time outside with each other and neighborhood friends. They also are provided with balls, bikes, pogo sticks, trees, and many other open-ended toys. Do they have electronics, of course, but like anything, their is a time and place for those items.
As I reflect back on my childhood, I am proud that I was given such opportunities to play. I also remember kindergarten as a time for arts and crafts, playing, making friends, and cookies and milk. I don't even remember doing many worksheets or even "learning", so play must have been a priority back then. Can we go back to those good old days? I hope sooner than later.